
Certified Dealer

Innovative Business Interiors is the only Certified MillerKnoll Dealer in Arkansas. Along with our partners across North America, we’re committed to high-quality, expert service to help you create the spaces you need to achieve and sustain your business goals.

Innovative Business Interiors can handle projects of all sizes, even those covering multiple locations. Many of our clients are based in Northwest Arkansas but because they have subsidiaries across the country, we routinely have projects nationwide. So no matter how complex or expansive your project may be, we can provide you with a single resource—one point of contact, one contract, one invoice—for a fully-coordinated and seamless process.

We know that a well-designed space can breathe life back into a workplace – and set a company apart.

Your space is a reflection of you—your talent, culture and future success. That’s why, drawing from our partnership with MillerKnoll, we apply Living Office framework—and research that supports it—to a workplace strategy that is unique to each but fundamental to all.